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Strategic Marketing Applied to the Wine Sector

dc.contributor.authorPozo González, María
dc.descriptionTrabajo Fin de Grado leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2016/2017. Tutora: Ana Vico Belmontees
dc.description.abstractTo know a country you must have tried its bread and drunk its wine. Spanish people, food or landscapes are as different and diverse as its wines. From Galicia to Andalucía going through La Mancha de Don Quixote, we realize how each corner of our country has its own personality, rich in history and tradition which makes them unique. In the past few years, the Spanish thinking has been changing. The society is more receptive towards the unknown. Everyday, it is increasing their engagement with the environment and there is more concern about every factor that contributes with their health. These interests are being reflected in consume patterns and directly affects the productions. Organic products are an increasing demand in supermarkets and vegetarians or vegans are gaining power in
dc.publisherUniversidad Rey Juan Carloses
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleStrategic Marketing Applied to the Wine Sectores
dc.subject.unesco5311.05 Marketing (Comercialización)es

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